Wednesday, January 20, 2010

'Dazed Democrats'

Politico looks at Massachussets. My favorite moment last night was when Howard Dean was asked what single individual could be blamed for the special election debacle. The interviewer was looking for some soul searching by a plain talking Democratic bigwig. Fat chance.
Was Obama to blame after waiting until the last minute to get involved in the race? Nope.
Was Martha Coakley to blame for running a lousy campaign? Nope.
Instead, Dean blamed ...George Bush, you know the man who left the White House a year ago.
I laughed out loud.
Apparently Dean was dumping all the blame for the crappy economy on the former president and not just instinctively blaming Bush for all the world's problems, as is the Democrats' automatic response these days. As nifty a solution as that might seem, it isn't flying with the American electorate anymore, not even in a hard core liberal state like the People's Republic of Massachussets.
The Blame Bush routine is worn out.
Bush helped make a mess of the economy by refusing to rein in federal spending. Democrats gave lip service to spending cuts, but offered few. They were willing to "enhance revenues" by targeting the rich, but to Bush's credit he didn't fall for that lousy economic argument.
Independents who flocked to Obama in 2008 no longer are accepting Blame Bush as the answer to the nation's problems. But for the mement it seems to be all the Dems have to offer, even when looking at their own political failures.

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