Friday, April 30, 2010

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Two down

The death of two key terrorists doesn't generate much interest in the U.S. If only one of them had dated Kate Gosslein.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


5 reasons to buy the Avery Cates novels. And here's number 6 ... because I said so. The new one is due out this summer.

Your Sunday free tune

Frankie Miller with Wilson Pickett's If You Need Me. Blessed are the Scots. And here's Miller on Be Good to Yourself. Delbert McClinton does a great cover of this one.

Your Sunday free tune

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Curb Your Enthusiasm will be back.


50 great nasty comments by authors and about authors. But how could they leave out Capote's assessment of Ken Kesey? "That's not writing; that's typing." From The Huffington Post.

Dope II

The dope merchants of Humbolt County don't like the idea of legalization very much.


My wife can pack a suitcase better than most. but even she would be impressed by this.

South Park

The comedy jihad continues. Put that in your pipe and smoke it you ignorant BLEEP!


What's next? Will Congress insist on tackling immigration next? Can't imagine the Democrats want this issue on the front burner before an election.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ron Hart

Back in Tennessee. "'Atlanta is the “City Too Busy to Hate,' which leaves it ample time to tax."

John Stossel

Capitalism is alive and well.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Wow, what a surprise! Robert T. Nash off the air.
Robert worked for me in Dalton before his gig on the radio. He left under bad terms and for several good reasons I don't have much use for him personally.
He told me one time that he'd screwed up every good job he had had and so I can't say I am surprised to see him screw the pooch at WGOW. Robert is a complicated fellow and he does not handle adversity well at all. That situation with WGOW is likely to get messy. Legally messy.
It sounds like some kind of problem with a co-worker is at the heart of this. Before the blow up here, I liked Robert and thought most of the staff did too. Turns out I was incorrect. However, by and large Robert worked well enough with his co-workers in Dalton. After all, we don't have to all be close pals. Mostly he did his job and stayed below the radar.
I listened to him some on the radio. He could be outstanding and remember that comment comes from someone who know's he's an jackass. On the other hand, at times his show was almost impossible to listen to. The self-congratulatory back slapping and the personal diatribes were an embarrassment. But the station allowed/encouraged it and Robert's loyal listeners seemed happy with the crap.
I always told myself that one day I'd get a chance to punch him in his smirking face, but to be honest with you I hope the jackass gets up, dusts himself off and finds a place on the radio. He's good at it when he's on his game.


Apparently doo doo makes great coffee.

Frank Rich seeks the Confederate flank

Frank Rich on Confederate History Month. He doesn't approve. Conservatives are racists, unless they stay in their corner and keep quiet. Civil War history is racist unless it focuses on slavery and I'm a cracker-ass cracker for writing this.

Your Sunday free tune

The great Joe Tex.


Hummingbirds face to face.


Reform is now "the third rail."

Monday, April 12, 2010

My weekly column

Play ball!


New Asteroids record score. I would have thought my buddy Richie Ludy held the mark. he used to build up about 50 bonus spaseships and then "sell" the game to somebody else.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Monday, April 5, 2010


Rand Paul makes National Review jittery. Young whippersnapper spooks the old guard.

Sci fi

The Hugo nominees. Not one talking dolphin novel in the batch.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Your Sunday free tune

Dickie Betts proves to be a Rambling Man. It's a great day for ridin' the roads with this one blasting.

My weekly column

When vinyl was king