Thursday, October 21, 2010

Back to work

Sorry to be absent from the Outpost so long, but I'm back now to help try and stem the tide of ignorance sweeping the world.
I've been sick for awhile and the most pressing problem has been several months of a sleep disorder which pretty much knocked me out of action. Recently I was diagnosed with slip apnea and put on the breathing device at night. That has helped enormously and though I still have an unexplained difficulty falling asleep, I take a pill to help there and now am getting at least 5-7 hours quality sleep a night.
That may not sound like much but I was getting less than 1-2 hours quality sleep a night night for a long time.
I stayed exhausted.
My improvement has me back blogging and I hope to rebuild the number of people who checked out the site. I also plan on doing more of my own writing here and returning sports-related links to this site. I was posting them elsewhere.

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