Sunday, June 8, 2008


If you like a good serial killer story then "Antibobies," a German-made movie from 2005 is worth looking at.
The story borrows from two main sources: the Hannibal Lecter series by Thomas Harris and the Bible by God.
Andre Hennicke plays Gabriel Engel, an admitted serial rapist and killer of young boys (and one cop), who is captured in the movie's opening scene. Engel then wages a devious, dastardly war of wits with a small town policeman, Michael Martens, played by Wotan Wilke Mohring, who thinks Engel may be responsible for the death of a young girl in his village.
From his jail cell Engel skillfully leads Martens down the path of moral and psychological destruction, taking advantage of the previously upright officer's wavering faith and familial woes.
This story isn't for the kiddies. There's graphic violence and some strong sex scenes. Even better, there's an adult story with serious themes, not the least of which is religious salvation.
The movie's reach exceeds its grasp but it will stay with you afterward, unlike most of the dreck in the desperately tired serial killer sub-genre.
On the Espy 1-10 scale, I give it a solid 8.
(Warning: German language with subtitles)

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