Sunday, November 9, 2008

2008 reading list

Last year about this time I realized there were books I kept coming across that I had intended to read but somehow overlooked. I vowed to fix that in 2008, so I sat down and worked out a list of 50 books I wanted to read this year. That list changed during the year as I picked up some new things, but as of yesterday I finished number 50.
There were not all big thick tomes. Instead there was a mix "heavy" reading and fun, "skinny" books.
I mixed up genres and made a point of there being a diverse selection.
The worst book I read all year was "1805 Austerlitz"by Robert Goetz. Napoleon never before seemed so dull. To be fair, this book was for more of a hard core Napoleon reader, but for me the detail was deadening.
Military history also gave me my favorite read, Robert Mosier's "The Blitzkrieg Myth." It was a fascinating look at many of the fundamental myths of World War II history.
Very smart, very provocative.
I gave all 50 of my reads a letter grade and below are the A class titles.
The Blitzkrieg Myth by Robert Mosier
Blonde Faith by Walter Mosley
Cool It by Bjorn Lomborg
The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler
Darkly Dreming Dexter by Jeff Lindsey
Peace Kills by PJ O'Rourke
Mucho Mojo by Joe Lansdale
Salvation on Sand Mountain by Dennis Covington
Prince of Frogtown by Rick Bragg
Always Outnumbered, Always Outgunned by Walter Mosley
Swan Lake by James Lee Burke
The were several B's that could have slid in as A's but these were pretty much the titles I enjoyed most. Swan Lake would probably be my second favorite read, a real return-to-form by Burke, who seemed to be wearing down. I was heavy on mysteries this year, but it paid off with some excellent stuff.
Anyhow I am readying my 2009 list. There will be fewer titles on it, maybe 35-40.
Suggestions are welcome.
Later, if I have some time to burn, I may post my entire list with letter grades.

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