Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Assassin tells his tale

There's a ton of books by former professional wrestlers out there. Most are bad, but some hit the high spots. "Assassin: The Man Behind the Mask" is one of the later.
The title is a little deceptive. We don't learn a lot about Jody "the Assassin" Hamilton outside the ring. For instance his family life is rarely mentioned and his relationship with brother Larry "the Missouri Mauler" Hamilton disappears from the narrative way too soon.
But the book delivers a bucket load of great pictures and colorful stores about "the business." Hamilton names names, and isn't afraid to give his honest assessment of some of the top stars in the business. Ric Flair, Mil Mascaras, Dory Funk Jr. and Vince McMahon, Jr. are among the personalities who get receive Hamilton's blunt assessment.
Hamilton also gives his theories on how to do a good interview and on what makes effective booking. He tells his readers why he thinks the modern wrestling product is sewing the seeds for its on demise. You may not agree with everything he has to say, but Hamilton always makes a strong case for his views.
But the best reason to read this book is the stories from the good old days. It's as if you're sitting in a bar with Hamilton drinking beers as he regales you with one tale after another. Many are funny. Some end tragically. Almost all are interesting.
Jody Hamilton crossed paths (and cross face locked) many of the wrestling game's greatest stars. From the likes of Lou Thesz and Danny Hodge to Stone Cold Steve Austin and Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson, Hamilton knew them all.
Wrestling fans should pick this book up. It'll go down faster than an Abdullah the Butcher squash match.
To get it, go to

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