Friday, August 26, 2011

Flair's follies

To be the man ... Ric Flair's pathetic life outside the ring. From Grantland, via Chris Beckham.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, he probably should have gone to jail many times over. But getting repeatedly beaten up - both physically and emotionally - by his wives and daughter, well, I think there's a bit of "I deserve that" going on. Flair has admitted that he has serious self esteem issues. I think a lot of his partying lifestyle is just an attempt to pay people to like him because he feels deep down they wouldn't otherwise.

Anonymous said...

He never claimed to be a compact car driving, coach flying, long term investment son of a gun.

Jimmy Espy said...

It's hard to feel sorry for Flair. He's had so many chances to right his life, but as the article said he's still out there spending money like he's still the champ and trying to dazzle much younger women. Because of all the great entertainment he's given me over the years, I'm pulling for him. But there are a lot more deserving people needing a break from hard times.