Friday, January 13, 2012

My absence

I'm going to try and revive this blog after several months of no activity.
As some of you already know, I have a very serious, potentially fatal heart disease. In October I entered St. Joseph's Hospital in Atlanta for testing. My condition was so poor that I was told I needed to do something quickly. My best option was the insertion of a device known as an lvad (left ventricular assist device) which would assist my failing heart in pumping blood and hopefully extend and enhance the quality of my life. Breathing, I have discovered, is one of life's most underrated pleasures.
Hopefully I will be put-on the list for a heart transplant in the next few months. I may get a heart quickly and do well; I may never get one.
After getting the LVAD installed, a grueling procedure and one that usually takes about five weeks to recover from, it was obvious that I was not getting better adequately. I had a serious problem with a weakened right lung and resulting fluid build up. So, I had a second surgery (also done by the gifted Dr. Jeff Miller) and that added another month to my stay in the hospital.
St. Joseph's treated me like a king and I dearly love the people who cared for me. I owe them my life.
Still, the desire to come home was insatiable until that beautiful, cold drizzly Friday afternoon when my brother-in-law Kip Allen (another hero of mine) brought me back to Dalton.
I am recovering slowly at home now. I am limited in what I can do, mostly by my lack of stamina and strength. The LVAD is powered by large, heavy batteries which I have to be plugged into constantly, unless I am plugged into the wall like a refrigerator.
I weigh about 182 pounds, the lightest I have been since my junior year of high school. I have no muscle mass and tire easily.
But I am getting better and am battling back. My morale rises and falls daily, butI remain determined to get better.
That's one reason I want to get back to blogging.
I also want to get back to work as soon as possible at The Summerville News and as a freelancer.
I need the money and I need the normalcy.
Anyhow, I am pushing on every day and hope to be back in flu swing before too long.
That's it for now; I hope you'll tune back into this blog regularly. I am going to try to write more for it and increase the articles links of local interest, as well as link to the stuff that interests me (sports, politics, movies.)
I hope to talk to you or exchange emails soon.



Amber Lanier Nagle said...

I think that Dick Cheney has an LVAD now, too—and by saying that, I, in no way, am comparing you to the former Vice President.

Glad you are back, and hoping that you make one hell of a recovery :~)


Jimmy Espy said...

Thanks Amber. Cheney does have an LVAD. I don't know if there is a connection but after I got mine I had an overpowering urge to invade another country

Martha said...

Hope to see you back in the Ville soon. Keep on keeping on my friend.

Anonymous said...

I realize that I'm a day late and a dollar short, but I just raed that you've been to Hell and back. Hope you're getting stronger by the day. Maybe we can get together and relive the old times...........

God Bless,

Bob Freitag

BTW-You can keep the WW2 fact