Saturday, February 20, 2010


The Wolfman wasn't as bad as expected but it was a long way from a classic. The biggest weakness? It isn't scary. Director Joe Johnston just doesn't seem capable of pulling off a scary scene. The pedestrian script doesn't help, but at no point does the director infuse the action with much energy or verve. Even the climatic lupo on lupo battle is a disappointment.
Benicio Del Toro is properly tortured as Larry Talbot, but Emily Blunt is mostly just torturous as his love interest. Could her character, or her performance, be any duller? Anthony Hopkins has some fun, but it doesn't much translate to the audience.
The most interesting character is his Sikh bodyguard whose fate is inexplicably left to the imagination ... or on the cutting room floor.
I like the fog shrouded look and the locations are striking, but that's about it as far as exceptional goes.
Everything about this movie is by-the-book filmmaking. I assume everyone got paid on time.

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