Sunday, February 28, 2010

Tea Partying

Nancy Pelosi does not approve. My limited experience with the Tea Party movement contradicts this claim. The groups I have dealt with did have a grassroots origin and were still highly critical of both parties. Leaders acknowledged an affinity with the Republican Party as it is supposed to be, but not as it has been for the past 10 years. Democrats I know have reacted in very different ways, from wildly accusatory and angry to to smug disapproval.
That reaction is another reason why the Tea Partiers are disinclined to support Democrats.
Locally, I have seen Republicans angered by Tea Party criticism.
When the Tea Party does climb in bed with the GOP leadership. it will cease to have meaning as a political force. Many of the movement's leaders seem to realize this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As a friend of mine once said,"Republicans are evil,Democrats are wimps and everybody else is loony!"