Monday, August 25, 2008

DRS is in the house

We have a regular Today's Forum caller who a former staffer dubbed "Dirty, Rotten, Stinking" because the sorry old coot can't get through a single call -- no matter what the subject -- without attacking somebody, preferably a minoroity, in vile language. His breathless, brainless assaults would make you sick, if they weren't so pathetic, and as a result, funny.
Today DRS called in and referred to Obama as a n----r.
I can't say I'm surprised, The idea of a black man winning the presidency probably has this sad sack cracker tossing and turning half the night in his bunker bedroom.
Torturing this waste of protein would almost make electing Obama worthwhile.
But what made today's call stand out, aside from the particular frenzy in his vile voice, was the fact that of the hundreds of Forum calls, letters to the editor and random phone calls I've had with readers about the election, this is the first one where Obama's color was clearly THE issue.
Not only have unambigiously racist remarks been absent, but there has been very little of what I consider to be "encoded racism" in criticism of the soon-to-be Democrat nominee.
Other than the persistent idea among some folks that Obama is a Muslim, most of the candidate's critics have been above board in their comments. Most of the people who are adamantly opposed to him seem determined to keep the focus on issues.
I'm not naive. I know there are people out there who will not vote for Obama because he's black, but I think that number is much smaller than many people believe. It may still be enough to cost him a close election, then again the fact that he'll pull 90 percent of the African American vote might give him a win.
It's going to be an interesting race ... get it ... race.

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