Tuesday, August 26, 2008


In my quest to see every Bo Hopkins movie ever made, I picked up "Mutant" from Netflix.
"Mutant" is a Romero-ish "zombie" flick made in 1984.
Nothing new in the plot.
Big evil chemical corporation makes goop which turns people into slavering, flesh craving zombies. Hero and hero's big-haired chick and Sheriff Bo -- yes, playing a bumkin lawman for the 89th time -- do battle with the baddies,
B-movie god Wings Hauser is the star and if he looked any more 1980s you would swear he was Denny Terio. He and the lead actress, who quickly faded to obscurity, look right off the "Solid Gold" dance floor.
Much of the acting and all of the special effects are cut rate -- really weak -- but the movie is not without some highpoints. The cinematography is very effective at times and the final zombie assault has a sharp claustrophobic intensity to it that a lot of higher budget zombie pictures fail to create.
"Mutant" is a time waster, but not an embarrassing one and Sheriff Bo, as usual, is too cool for school.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Picked out the 1960's classic The Lost World and watched it this weekend. Claude Rains plays an eccentric professor. Great movie with some seriously cheesy lizards. Netflix is sending Jason and the Argonauts --another classic --for this weekend. I couldn't find "Attack of the killer lettuce." Wasn't that the movie that the monster actually shrunk as filming went along?